sábado, 22 de octubre de 2022

Post 3: My Dream Job UwU

 Hi, my loves 💖💖

Today, I'm here to tell you about my dream work, one of the most changing topics throuhgout my life.

When I was little, about 5 years old, I alway said I wanted to be a policeman and be chasing the bad guys. I thought it could be trhilling, but as I kept growing I started to change my mind and I stopped believing that. 

Then, I started to questoning myself "what do I want to do when I'm older?". Nothing could kept my atention for more than 5 minutes. But, one day, I thought "I like animals, why couldn't I be their doctor?" and that is like I started wishing being a veterinarian. 

That I wanted to be until I turned about 11-12 years old. In that point of my life I didn't know what I wanted to be, until I got to 1st medio grade. That was when I realised I liked to help my friends out with their homework and teaching them the things they didn't get. I sarted to put being a teacher as an option for my future occupation. 

That was just until I discovered Pharmaceutic chemestry and started to research information about it and all the possibilities it has to offer me. I've never liked the idea of being slavered in a static job, I mean I think nobody could like it, but I imagine myself in a laboratory and I think is a pretty comfortable place for me. 

So, I think I'm going to be there from here in a time... The question is, what kind of lab is it going to be? That is still a mystery

XOXO, wekanda 💑💑

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Post 5: Changes to my Study Programme

 Hii everyone!!! how have you been these days??? I hope you're fine. I'm here writing this so happy, because today I came to spill t...