sábado, 22 de octubre de 2022

Post 3: My Dream Job UwU

 Hi, my loves 💖💖

Today, I'm here to tell you about my dream work, one of the most changing topics throuhgout my life.

When I was little, about 5 years old, I alway said I wanted to be a policeman and be chasing the bad guys. I thought it could be trhilling, but as I kept growing I started to change my mind and I stopped believing that. 

Then, I started to questoning myself "what do I want to do when I'm older?". Nothing could kept my atention for more than 5 minutes. But, one day, I thought "I like animals, why couldn't I be their doctor?" and that is like I started wishing being a veterinarian. 

That I wanted to be until I turned about 11-12 years old. In that point of my life I didn't know what I wanted to be, until I got to 1st medio grade. That was when I realised I liked to help my friends out with their homework and teaching them the things they didn't get. I sarted to put being a teacher as an option for my future occupation. 

That was just until I discovered Pharmaceutic chemestry and started to research information about it and all the possibilities it has to offer me. I've never liked the idea of being slavered in a static job, I mean I think nobody could like it, but I imagine myself in a laboratory and I think is a pretty comfortable place for me. 

So, I think I'm going to be there from here in a time... The question is, what kind of lab is it going to be? That is still a mystery

XOXO, wekanda 💑💑

sábado, 8 de octubre de 2022

Post 2: The Best Concert Ever

 Hi, my loves 💖💖

I'm here to talk about the time I went to see Ana Gabriel at Movistar Arena, here in Chile. It was 5 days ago (01st October, 2022).

I couldn't sleep the night before, just for the emotion I felt. I went with my aunties Sara and Mary. They arrived at the venue before I did, because I had classes. 

I got there by 5:45 pm and met my aunties. We became friends of a few people there and started singing many songs of Ana.

It was THE BEST CONCERT EVER, I sang along all the songs. I cried, laughed, shouted out, everything. 

In a moment, when she was singing "simplemente amigos" ('just friends'), she couldn't even start the song because of the emotion of hearing the people singing along. That moment was so exciting, it made all my body chill.

Well, that's all my experience in the best concert ever.

XOXO, Sergi 💏



Post 5: Changes to my Study Programme

 Hii everyone!!! how have you been these days??? I hope you're fine. I'm here writing this so happy, because today I came to spill t...